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비서 영문 자기소개서(self introduction)(신입) - 썸네일 1
비서 영문 자기소개서(self introduction)(신입) - 썸네일 2
연관 추천서식
본문 내용
    문서서식포탈  ji-won hah   xxx-xxx, yeoksam-dong, gangnam-gu, seoul  xx-xxx-xxxx/ xx-xxx-xxxx    문서서식포탈  
    “i am not afraid of challenge.i will be the one that your company needs.”
    in 1980, i was born as the second of twin daughters in a middle class family.my father is a
    business man and my mother is housewife.during my elementary school days, i was good at
    studying as well as loved group life, engaged in a girl scout troop and fife & drum corps club.
    with good interpersonal relations with friends, i won several prizes for good deeds and excellence.
    studying in high school, i was an active member of the school chorus, in performances
    at the national theater of korea, concert for adolescents, seoul arts center, yoo gwan-soon
    memorial hall, and so on and i obtained confidence, responsibility, and a sense of
    accomplishment.for me, my parents, brothers and sister have been the best models and
    supporters in my life, and to be a proud daughter and sister, i have been trying to do my best
    every day.
    ours is a home where parents love their children and children respect their parents.i have a
    strong reason to believe that my home is the one that thrives on love and respect.i live at home,
    with my family and enjoy my home life.i enjoy dinner, talking and laughing, together with my
    effected by my father, i am cheerful and sociable, enjoy interacting with people and therefore, know many friends from other foreign countries, such as england.

    above all, my endurance and responsibility leads me to never give up on anything halfway and try to complete it precisely and perfectly. even in the even of big difficulties, i can have the opportunity to review and prepare for it rather than feel frustrated

    my positive way of thinking and good interpersonal skills as well as efforts for do my best will prove useful in working for your company. 문서서식포탈  

    while studying food and nutrition at myeongji university life, i have kept trying to improve myself through various ways. i not only strived to pursue my studies but also participated in club activities

    in particular, i could obtain high-level english skills, by investing much time in it.
    the most unforgettable experience is from june 2 to may 2001 when i went to england for an english course.my parents were so worried about my going abroad for much fear of many unhappy news from foreign countries, but i persuaded them and could carry out my plans, so that i could broaden my view on the world as well as overcome my shortcomings, which were a bit of negative attitudes and lacked in decisive power from the experience of independent life away from my parents.

    during my stay in england, i worked part-time as a waitress for one hotel, to test my linguistic ability to meet many people in person as well as economically help my parents. also, i acquired an english certificate from oxford university, to stimulate myself to continuously study english   (이하 생략)
TZ-SHR-872735 비서 영문 자기소개서(self introduction)(신입)
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