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연관 추천서식
본문 내용
    marketing plan  ☆max☆  
    power of beer~!
    1.0 executive summary
    hite brewery company limited (pronounced /hat/) is a south korean brewery company headquartered in yeongdeungpo-gu, seoul.its main products are beer, rice wine, and mineral water.the company was established as chosun breweries in 1933.in 2001 the company had three factories, and in 2002 its share of the domestic beer market was some 55%, up from 30% in 1992.
    hite breweries is listed on the korea stock exchange, code hite brew.
    in 2006, the company acquired jinro, a popular soju company in korea.
    ◎ brands and products  hite   
    the #1, top selling beer in korea.hite lager is golden in colour and is styled upon traditional european and american lagers.like the american adjunct lager budweiser, it is brewed from barley malt and rice.along with ob and cass, hite is often found on draft in korean bars and pubs.most drinkers consider the draft versions of hite, oriental brewery and cass to be more or less interchangeable in taste and price.4.5% abv.
    prime max   
    ranks as top 3rd selling beer in korea.prime max is brewed with 100% malted barley, and is therefore slightly more expensive than regular hite.it has a more complex, wheaty flavour.4.5% abv.
    hite stout   
    based on original guinness (not to be confused with the creamy draft guinness), hite stout is a dark bitter beer.stout has lost popularity and market share in recent years.4.5% abv.
    exfeel s   
    s is a light beer targeted at young drinkers and it contains 0.5g of fiber per 100ml.4.0% abv.
    seok su & puriss water  
    purified water by hite-jinro corp.
    hite d dry finish  
    dry finish is made using a select dry yeast.5% abv.
    hite soju   
    a brand of soju with a relatively low market share.not to be confused with white soju.
    2.0 situation analysis

    hite has introduced several liquor brands and it has been one of the top selling beer and soju company. but recently when they introduced the new beer label called max, they faced difficulties facing customers and winning over the competitor company ob

    through up-graded marketing of max, hite now will increase the brand recall of max. the marketing also help the company gain the new customers and its customer databases by distinctive marketing strategy

    2.1 marketing summary
    hite already possess abundant information about the korean liquor market and it also has vast customer databases.this marketing will help the company to gain more new customers and make turn current customers into loyal customers.
    it will also bring satisfaction to the customers needs and delight them with distinctive value delivery system.
    target market   night life   leisure   recreational   beverage-with food   summer     (이하 생략)
TZ-SHR-638382 MAX 맥주마케팅전략
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    1장 Executive Summary

    2장 Brands and products

    3장 Situation Analysis
    1. Marketing Summary
    2. SWOT Analysis
    3. Competition
    4. Product Offering
    5. Keys to Success
    6. Critical Issues

    4장 Marketing Strategy
    1. Mission
    2. Marketing Objectives
    3. Financial Objectives
    4. Target Markets
    5. Positioning
    6. Strategies
    7. Marketing Mix
    8. Marketing Research

    5장 Financials
    1. Break-even analysis
    2. Sales Forecast
    3. Expense Forecast

    6장 Controls
    1. mplementation
    2. Marketing Organization
    3. Contngency Planning

저작권 정보
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    위 정보 및 게시물 내용의 불법적 이용, 무단 전재·배포는 금지되어 있습니다. 저작권침해, 명예훼손 등 분쟁요소 발견 시 고객센터의 저작권 침해신고를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.
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    - 오류자료 : 파일이 정상적으로 열리지 않는 경우
    - 중복자료 : 기간과 무관하게 같은 자료를 다운로드한 경우
    - 유사자료 : 다운로드한 다른 자료와 내용과 구성이 동일한 경우(70% 이상)
    - 불일치 자료 : 파일 제목 및 상세 내용과 다운로드 파일 내용이 다른 경우
    - 공공자료 : 공익성을 목적으로 인터넷 공개되어 있는 자료와 동일한 경우
    - 기타 자료 : 주요 환불정책에 해당되지 않으나 통상적으로 인정되는 경우
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  • �좎럩伊숋옙�논렭占쎈뿭�뺝뜝�뚮윪占쎈벨�숅넫濡レ쑅占쎈㈇�쇽옙�얠삕占쎈뜆�댐옙醫롫윥甕겸뫅�숋옙�낃퐵占쎌뼔占썸뤃占� �좎럩伊숋옙�논렭占쎈뿭�뺝뜝�뚮윪占쎈틶�앾옙��첍�좎뜦紐억옙占쎈쇊占썬꺂�얍뜝�э옙蹂�돐�좎럩�쇽옙�⑤닱沃섅굤�� �좎럩伊숋옙�논렭占쎈뿭�뺧옙�얠삕占쎄낱�먨뜝�뚯뒭�대�먯삕�ル∥�η춯占쎌Ø占쎌닂彛싷옙紐꾨㎍占쎌쥙�ο옙袁ъ삕占쎈쵐�뺝뜝�덈쾴占쏙옙