toyota ) 1 introduction crisis innovation & leadership contents 2 about toyota 3 crisis of toyota leadership & innovation about toyota full name : toyota motor corporation origin: japan position -worlds largest automobile maker -one of the largest conglomerates in the world 4 5 crisis of toyota leadership & innovation about toyota growth history 1933-established 1935-first vehicle built 1957-first passenger car xxxx.xx.xx million vehicles xxxx.xx.xx million vehicles
xxxx. xx
xx million vehicles → world’s no. 2
xxxx. xx
xx8 million vehicles → worlds no. 16 swot strength threats weakness opportunities crisis of toyota leadership & innovation about toyota 7 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota strength: global organization high financial strength excellent penetration swot swot weakness: a foreign importer production capacity 8 swot leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota swot opportunities: innovation global expansion threats: continued shifts changing demographics rising oil prices 9 leadership & innovation 10 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota vision for innovation green innovation “eco-cars” 11 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota technology innovation 12 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota “different power sources to maximize each ones strengths, while compensating for the others shortcomings what is a hybrid system? 13 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota “representative of clean mobility running on 100% electricity” electric vehicle : ft-ev 2 14 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota innovative production system 15 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota “the complete elimination of all waste imbuing all aspects of production in pursuit of the most efficient methods” tps (toyota production system) “making the vehicles ordered by customers in the quickest and most efficient way, in order to deliver the vehicles as quickly as possible. 16 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota highlighting of problems jidoka “quality must be built in during the manufacturing process” productivity improvement just-in-time “what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed” 17 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota continuous improvement respect for people toyota way 2001 18 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota design innovation 19 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota “synergizing” various contradictory elements in harmony to create new values “j factor” (boldly japanese element) contradicting elements miniaturization structure of nature 20 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota contradicting elements “synergizing” two contradictory elements in harmony to create new values spaghetti & marinated pollock roe 21 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota miniaturization tiny pottery bowl toyota “iq” 22 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota combination with “nature” structure of nature prius dashboard leaf veins 23 crisis of toyota 24 leadership & innovation crisis of toyota about toyota (이하 생략)
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