<marketing plan for > table of contents executive summary company description strategic focus and plan mission/vision goal principles in management situation analysis swot industry analysis: saturation in korean supermarket business competitive analysis company analysis customer analysis market-product focus marketing and product objectives target market points of difference positioning am product strategy price strategy promotion strategy place strategy financial data and projection past sales revenue organization implementation plan 1) selling unique importing goods 2) being the center of community. evaluation and control executive summary due to the regulations from government, super supermarkets like home plus are going through hard time in these days.home plus is one of the big 3 retail shops in korea, which started by tesco and it is the only retail shop that is under non-korean corporate. in this report, by going through the history, financial status and current marketing strategies that home plus now has, the future marketing plan that can bring home plus up to the top will be suggested. company description
home plus co. , ltd
(home plus) started from a joint venture company, samsung tescot corporation in korea and tescot co. sold its stakes of samsung tesco to tesco plc gradually
but the brand of tesco was uncelebrated in korea, so tescot co. sold its last stakes to tesco
in 2011, samsung tesco changed its name to home plus.
home plus is a supermarket that sells daily necessities, groceries, and industrial products in low price like e-mart, wal-mart, lotte mart, or costco. home plus is ranked in 2nd place as a supermarket followed by e-mart in korea
the exploding growth of home plus could be derived from the growth of the whole business, but compared to total withdrawals of wal-mart and carrefour from korea, tesco’s marketing strategy in the first stage, which is using samsung’s brand name, is evaluated as quite successful. home plus has 134 huge stores, about 300 small stores and 27, staffs in korea.in 2012, home plus’ total revenue was 9.91 trillion won and its market share was about 32 percent in supermarket business. strategic focus and plan in this section, aspects that influence the marketing plan, including (1) mission/vision, (2) goals and (3) principles in management of the corporate. . mission/vision the vision of home plus is being the world best value retailer that is mooved by customers for doing some good for the society and following the business code of conduct. goal home plus has 36 values that can be basis for achieving goals that home plus has.with all of these, home plus aims for the society with socially responsible corporates. sustainable growth:home plus is working to achieve sustainable growth in the highly competitive and fast changing market.rather than the short-term high growth, it prefers slow-sustainable growth. (이하 생략)
3장 Strategic Focus and Plan
1. Mission/Vision
2. Goal
3. Principles in Management
4장 Situation Analysis
2. Industry Analysis: Saturation in Korean Supermarket Business
3. Competitive Analysis
4. Company Analysis
5. Customer Analysis
5장 Customer Analysis
1. Marketing and Product Objectives
2. Target market
3. Points of Difference
4. Positioning
6장 Marketing Program
1. Product Strategy
2. Price Strategy
3. Promotion Strategy
4. Place Strategy
7장 Financial Data and Projection
1. Past Sales Revenue
8장 Organization
9장 Implementation Plan
1. Selling Unique Importing Goods
2. Being the center of community
10장 Evaluation and Control
저작권 정보
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씽크존에서는 아래와 같은 조건에 해당하는 자료의 경우에 환불 처리를 진행해드리고 있습니다.
- 오류자료 : 파일이 정상적으로 열리지 않는 경우
- 중복자료 : 기간과 무관하게 같은 자료를 다운로드한 경우
- 유사자료 : 다운로드한 다른 자료와 내용과 구성이 동일한 경우(70% 이상)
- 불일치 자료 : 파일 제목 및 상세 내용과 다운로드 파일 내용이 다른 경우
- 공공자료 : 공익성을 목적으로 인터넷 공개되어 있는 자료와 동일한 경우
- 기타 자료 : 주요 환불정책에 해당되지 않으나 통상적으로 인정되는 경우