This research investigates the image of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) perceived by health department (HD) and Non-Health Department (NHD) college students. This study was obtained from college students, who major in health and non-health related subjects. The research was conducted from November 30 to December 10, 2011. The 540 college students who understood this study and agreed to participate were offered questionnaires. 522 questionnaires were returned. 506 were chosen and 16 questionnaires were rejected due to inadequacies. HD college students numbered 250 and NHD studetns numbered 256. As a result, knowledge regarding the work of EMTs showed higher results for HD students 3.77±0.63 (p=0.004) than NHD 3.61±0.59. The differences about the image of EMT service were higher for HD 4.07 (±0.44) (p=0.000) than NHD students 3.80 (±0.50). Perceptions on the scope of the work was higher for HD students 0.73±0.22 (p=0.000) than NHD students 0.58±0.26. Differences of image about EMTs according to the general characteristics were as follows: gender (p=0.000), age (p=0.001), experience with interning at a hospital (p=0.003) and experience with first-aid training (p=0.000) for HD students, but not in NHD, The First Aid training experience was noticeably different statistically. The results of the study indicate that the difference of image about EMTs between HD students and NHD students was similar. For this reason, education and public relations are necessary for recognition of EMT skills. (이하 생략)
제목 : 보건계열 및 비보건계열 대학생들이 지각하는 응급구조사 이미지
저자 : 윤성우
발행학회 : 한국보건기초의학회 [The Korean Health & Fundamental Medical Science Society]
발행정보 : 제 5권 1호 pp.24-29(6 pages)
발행년도 : 2012
저작시기 : 2012년 4월
저작권 정보
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