This case study analyzed the narratives retold by two school-aged children using cochlear implants (CI), and twonormal hearing children (NH) matched in their age and grade with the CI users. The participants with CI have usedoral communication and enrolled the mainstreamed education setting. The standardized language test was administeredbefore collecting narrative data from all participants. The CI1 and CI2 scored at -2 and within ±1 standarddeviation, respectively. The retold narratives were collected using the nonword storybook “Frog where are you?”.The narratives were transcribed and analyized into two ways to see both microstructure and macrostructure of thenarratives. For the macrostructure analysis, two parts of Korean Narrative Assessment recently developed by Pae etal. was applied with the story grammar analysis proposed by Stein and Glenn (1979). The story grammar analysisresults showed that CI1 and two NH constructed their narratives similarly each other with the five story grammarcomponents, but CI2 showed a little deficient knowledge in ‘Setting’ and ‘Internal Reponse’ categories with fewernumber of utterance to retell the story than the others. The microstructure analysis results informed how theparticipants used their vocabulary and syntactic knowledge at the discourse level, which showed partly inconsistentwith the standardized test score. The results of this case study showed the disparity among the word and sentence,and text level of language abilities, so that each level of language skills, especially the text level, is necessary forthe assessment and intervention for school-aged CI children. (이하 생략)
씽크존에서는 아래와 같은 조건에 해당하는 자료의 경우에 환불 처리를 진행해드리고 있습니다.
- 오류자료 : 파일이 정상적으로 열리지 않는 경우
- 중복자료 : 기간과 무관하게 같은 자료를 다운로드한 경우
- 유사자료 : 다운로드한 다른 자료와 내용과 구성이 동일한 경우(70% 이상)
- 불일치 자료 : 파일 제목 및 상세 내용과 다운로드 파일 내용이 다른 경우
- 공공자료 : 공익성을 목적으로 인터넷 공개되어 있는 자료와 동일한 경우
- 기타 자료 : 주요 환불정책에 해당되지 않으나 통상적으로 인정되는 경우