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판매자료 수 : 32,704
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    There were misgivings that the teachers in charge might not have enoughunderstanding of the true purpose of teaching “Information”. To learn aboutthe general attitude of those teachers, the research group of private schoolsin Osaka began a project, ‘The Public Presentation Caravan’, in whichteachers who had already started using information tools opened their classto teachers from other schools and exchanged ideas. It may be deduced thatthe combination of the two forums for exchanging opinions, one is held onthe internet and the other face to face, is important. Teachers' communityexists on the point where these two environments meet. Through thisproject, we might suggest creating a new mode of teachers' communityusing a network will be indispensable for the new teachers training.   (이하 생략)
TZ-SLE-1477315 A Case of Public Presentation Caravan in Japan
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    Ⅰ. Introduction
    Ⅱ. The Public Presentation Caravan
    Ⅲ. The Virtual Brainstorming Board and A Portfolio on the Web
    Ⅳ. Conclusions

    소개글 제목 : Creating a Networked Community for the Training of Teachers: A Case of Public Presentation Caravan in Japan 저자 : Takashi NAGAO, Takashi ICHIKAWA, Naoyuki KOBAYASHI, Mutsuo ISHIBE
    발행학회 : 한국교육공학회 [Korea society of educational technology]
    발행정보 : Educational Technology International (ETI) 제 6권 1호 pp.139-154(16 pages)
    발행년도 : 2005

    저작시기 : 2005년 4월

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    - 오류자료 : 파일이 정상적으로 열리지 않는 경우
    - 중복자료 : 기간과 무관하게 같은 자료를 다운로드한 경우
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    - 불일치 자료 : 파일 제목 및 상세 내용과 다운로드 파일 내용이 다른 경우
    - 공공자료 : 공익성을 목적으로 인터넷 공개되어 있는 자료와 동일한 경우
    - 기타 자료 : 주요 환불정책에 해당되지 않으나 통상적으로 인정되는 경우
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