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    통신망기반의 테크놀로지가 국내외의 교육공동체에 급격히 확대되고 있으나, 모든 학습자가 새로운 테크놀로지로부터 동둥하게 혜태올 누릴 것인지에 대해서는 상대적으로 그 답이 불분명하다. 본 연구는 대학의 사이버공간에서 학습자의 학습전략이 성에 따라 차이가 있는지를 의사표현, 정보처리, 자기통제, 인적자원활용 측면에서 규명하고자 하였다. 연구결과는 性差의 잠재성에 대한 인식이 중요합올 보여주고 었다. 학습전략 중에서 특히 의사표현과 정보처리 측면에서 남녀간에 유의미한 차이가 있었으며, 그 경우 예외없이 남학생이 여학생보다 우세한 유형올 보여주었다. 한편 交流유형의 사이버교육은 지나치게 남성편의의 특성올 지니고 있어 여성은 상대적으로 불리한 학습환경에 노출되어 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 性평풍적인 사이버교육을 지향하기 위한 사이버 학습공간의 설계와 운영올 위한 제안을 사이버공간의 특성 및 학습자의 학습전략 특성올 동시에 고려하여 세 가지 영역에서 제시하고 있다.

    Although technology, especially computer-mediated communication, has expanded in educational community worldwide, it is not clear that all learners equally benefit from it. Thecurrent rearch reports survey results on gender differences in cyber learning strategies, discusses their implications, and suggæts instructional interventions to foster gender equalityin a cyber learning environrnent.The research participants were 156 (121 females and 35 males) university students enrolled in cyber courses at a university in 1998. These students were varied in terms of their academic backgrounds and years in their programs.This research identified gender differences in cyber learning strategies within the categoriesof expression, information processing, self -control, and use of human resources. It seems clear that males tended to use computers more at least in their daily life and to have stronger experiences with the intemet than females. 까lÍs research shows significant gender differences in the categories of expression strate and information processing strategy, in which malæ showed stronger abilities and positive attitudes without exception. The findings are not entirely surprising, since they replicate many of the existing findings from the areas of ∞mmunication, linguistics, and sociology and more. The current research also confirms that awareness of gender differences in leaming strategies is critical to know its jXJtential effects on leaming process and outcome.Currently dominating modæ of cyber courses demonstrate structuræ and functions in favor of males. However, it should not be taken for granted but we have to move toward a gender-equal cyber learning environrnent. This can be achieved by including instructional design and implementation which might more ræpond to leaming strategies in favor of females.of greatest potential that leads to gender inequality in a cyber leamíng environrnent is its text-based, public, and information overload natures. I suggest the following instructional interventions to overcome potential negative impacts of those natures on female learners.First considering that females tend to experience difficulties in thinking and expressing in a written form, there is a need for providing addition에 interaction modes which might sup­ pαt rather a dialogue-like interaction. Real 띠ne chatting is one of the exemplars of instructionalintervention. In addition, world materials and interaction through voice massages should be used more substantially.Second, cosidering that females tend 10 experience difficulties in public postings and arguments, there is a need for Iearning opportunities through rather infonnal and social interactions. Among others, I suggest to design learning spaces for small group discussion and reading materials for indivìdualized Iearning. lndividual leaming actívities, rather than too much focusing on leamer-leamer interactions, might be instructional interventions useful for femaJes who demonstrate rather high apprehension in public interaction.Third, considering that females rather tend to experience difficulties in reading others' messages, when especially overloaded, there ìs a need for interface design which might helpindividual leamers to search, organiæ and present infonnatíon in their own convement ways. Concurrently, it is equally useful that mediators reguarly provide summary notes of shared infonnation and ideas among leamers.   (이하 생략)
TZ-SLE-1444512 사이버공간에서 나타나는 학습전략의 성차
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    Ⅰ. 서론
    Ⅱ. 선행연구 분석
    Ⅲ. 연구방법
    Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의
    Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언

    소개글 제목 : 사이버공간에서 나타나는 학습전략의 성차에 관한 연구 저자 : 이인숙
    발행학회 : 한국교육공학회 [Korea society of educational technology]
    발행정보 : 교육공학연구 제 16권 1호 pp.179-199(21 pages)
    발행년도 : 2000

    저작시기 : 2000년 4월

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    - 중복자료 : 기간과 무관하게 같은 자료를 다운로드한 경우
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    - 불일치 자료 : 파일 제목 및 상세 내용과 다운로드 파일 내용이 다른 경우
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    - 기타 자료 : 주요 환불정책에 해당되지 않으나 통상적으로 인정되는 경우
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