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    이 연구는 충동적 인지양식 고저에 따른 개인차의 측면에서 시지각발달검사(K-DTVP-2)에서 일반시지각(GVP), 운동-감소시지각(MRP)과 시각-운동통합(VMI)의 반응특징을 밝히고자 하였다. 연구대상은 2개의 특수학교 재학중인 초등부와 중학부 100명을 대상으로 충동적 인지양식 집단에게 한국판 시지각발달검사를 실시하였다.
    연구결과, 첫째, 충동적 인지양식의 고저에 따른 발달장애아의 일반시지각(GVP)능력의 반응특징을 보면 충동성의 고저에 따라 GVP, 눈-손협응검사, 공간위치검사, 도형-배경검사는 영향을 받는다. 둘째, 충동적 인지양식의 고저에 따른 운동-감소시지각(MRP)능력의 반응특징을 보면 낮은 충동적 인지양식을 가진 발달장애아는 MRP와 공간위치, 도형-배경검사의 상위점수집단에 속하므로 충동적 인지양식의 고저에 따라 MRP, 공간위치검사, 도형-배경검사는 영향을 받는다. 셋째, 충동적 인지양식의 고저에 따른 운동-통합(VMI)와 4가지 하위검사의 반응특징을 보면 충동적 인지양식의 고저에 따라 눈-손협응검사만 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.

    The purpose of this study is to find out the response characteristics of visual perception(GVP: General Visual Perception and MRP: Motor-Reduced Visual Perception) and VMI(Visual-Motor Integration) according to impulsivity cognitive style of children with developmental disabilities. And the study will offer basic data for making a contribution to the minimum and maximum of individual difference of children with developmental disabilities. The subject of this study was selected 100 elementary and middle students with developmental disabilities who attend special school for the mentally retarded, in Gyeonggi, Daegu, who are received K-DTVP-2 test. The instrument of this study was employed to K-DTVP-2 which be Korea standardization the DTVP-2 which be revised version by Donald D. Hammill, Nils A. Pearson, and Judith K. Voress. Other instrument of this study was employed to the F-type be Korea standardization among MFFT test developed by Kagna, in order to test impulsivity cognitive style.
    The conclusion drawn from results of this study are as follows;
    First, there were statistical significant differences in GVP and Eye-Hand Coordination, Position in Space, Figure-Ground among 8 sub-test. Children with developmental disabilities that showed low impulsivity cognitive style received high mark in GVP and Eye-Hand Coordination, Position in Space, Figure-Ground. Therefore, the results of this study showed that GVP and Eye-Hand Coordination, Position in Space, Figure-Ground were influenced according to either impulsivity cognitive style low or high.
    Second, there were statistical significant differences in MRP and Position in Space, Figure-Ground among sub-test. That is, children with developmental disabilities that showed low impulsivity cognitive style received high mark in MRP and Position in Space, and Figure-Ground. Therefore, the results of this study showed that MRP and Position in Space and Figure-Ground were influenced according to either impulsivity cognitive style low or high.
    Third, there were statistical significant differences in only Eye-Hand Coordination in responsive characteristic of VMI and 4 sub-test according to either impulsivity cognitive style low or high. there were no significant differences in Spatial Relations like Eye-Hand Coordination according to either impulsivity cognitive style low or high. The reasons is that children with developmental disabilities have an many difficulty in Spatial Relations regardless of either impulsivity cognitive style low or high because Spatial Relations test required ability to perception of each position of both or above and mutual position, and ability to perception of position of self and objects, while there were significant differences in Eye-Hand Coordination according to either impulsivity cognitive style low or high,
    The reasons that there were no significant differences in VMI, Copying, and Visual-Motor Speed is that children with developmental disabilities who showed impulsivity cognitive style are willing to escape rapidly from the situation due to short of assertion to solve problems and have a difficulty in unfamiliar problems, therefore there were no significant differences.   (이하 생략)
TZ-SLE-1439467 충동적인지양식의 고저에 따른 발달장애아의 시지각발달검사 반응 특징
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충동적인지양식의 고저에 따른 발달장애아의 시지각발달검사 반응 특징 논문 자료입니다
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    I. 서 론

    Ⅱ. 연구 방법

    Ⅲ. 연구 결과

    Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언

    참 고 문 헌

    소개글 제목 : 충동적 인지양식의 고저에 따른 발달장애아의 시지각발달검사 반응 특징 저자 : 이정현, 추연구
    발행학회 : 한국발달장애학회 [The Korean Association On Developmental Disabilities]
    발행정보 : 발달장애연구 제 10권 1호 pp.101-114(14 pages)
    발행년도 : 2006

    저작시기 : 2006년 1월

    참고문헌 없음
저작권 정보
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