Question 1
True/False: The integral of a velocity function v(t) over a time interval [a, b] gives the total distance traveled by an object between times a and b.
Answer Key: False (이하 생략)
false questions about the integral formula andthe net change theorem.
I am going to write two true/false questions about the integral formula and the net change theorem. I will explain why I chose these questions and what I will be assessing through them. Question 1
True/False: The integral of a velocity function v(t) over a time interval [a, b] gives the total distance traveled by an object between times a and b.
Answer Key: False
저작시기 : 2024년 6월
Herman, E. & Strang, G. (2020). Calculus volume 1;5.4 Integration formulas and thenet change theorem. OpenStacks. Rice University.
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